Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Review of the Tal Am Parshat Hashavua Chovrot

I have created many of my own Divrei Torah to share with my students, I have tried to make the דברי תורה interesting and engaging. My intention in writing the דברי תורה has always been to give my student a simple message they can relate toת and then be excited to share the דבר תורה  with their family at the Shabbat table. When I discovered the Choveret Parshat Hashavua from Tal AM  I learned that I can have my student prepare a beautiful Dvar Torah while actively engaging in the process of learning תורה as a פרשן. 

In the weekly lesson students:
1. Review the Parsha:

 2. Focus on a few Pessukim and ask question:
3. Working in partners students try coming up with possible answers:
4. Learn about the חכמים: each week we are introduced to at least two new חכמים
  • What era the חכם lived?(using our timeline)
  • Where did the חכם live? 
  • History about this particular חכם

5. learn the answer of the selected  פרשנים
-compare and contrast
check for understanding

6. The most important part: The lesson:
Every week we learn a new אימרה for פרשת וישב:

"השנאה מקלקלת את השורה"

I usually tell a story to help my students connect to the lesson of the Dvar Torah.

At the very end the students complete a summary of the Dvar Torah which they then share with their family. This system helps my students connect to the rich world of פרשנות while remaining in the target language.

The Talam Parsha curriculum is spiraled.Students gradually get introduced to the process starting in first grade and it grows as they progress through the grades. 

To help teachers prepare Chava Kassierer the TaL AM Torah and Parasha trainer has great videos:

I find her videos very helpful in helping me give a good הקדמה ממקדת.

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