Monday, June 19, 2017

Playing Heads-Up Headbands as a unit review

Headbandz is a really fun and easy game to play.  I wanted my students to review the people, places and things which we learned in class this year while practicing their interpersonal Hebrew skills. I prepared sets of 50 cards. (אברהם, יצחק יעקב, לבן, חרן, חברון, כתונת פסים etc. ) The students then played in small groups. When it's your turn you can only ask Yes or No questions:
?האם הכרטיס  בן אדם

?האם הכרטיס איש או אשה

Interpersonal Hebrew Worksheets

I was inspired by Second Language Blogger Senor Howard to try an activity he prepared for his Spanish class adapted to Hebrew for my Students. I adapted it as a post vacation activity where students get up and converse in Hebrew with their classmates about their vacation. You can follow all the instructions given on his blog for this Hebrew activity. Here are the links to my sheets: Student's questionnaire and Student's Data Collection Sheet

Senor Howard's blog: Tuesday's Tips For Staying in The Target Language is an outstanding resource 
for finding  interpersonal activities which can be applied to